A New Website

But the redesign was inevitable for the following reasons:
- It was based on an old method of website building which is no longer the standard.
- It looked absolutely awful in Firefox which 30% of our visitors are now using
- Navigation and finding the product you want was always less than ideal and we wanted to make it easier for visitors to find what they wanted
- We were running out of space! The design has a restricted width and poor naviagtion meant we could not easily add more useful products to the site without making it more ocnfuinsg to navigate than ever...
So we have redesigned in in-house paying attention to all of the above. (And a big thanks to Hannah for the lovely graphics...)
We hope you like it and that it has achieved what we set out to do. Leave us a comment if you get the urge to tell us what you think....this blog will now continue to discuss the latest news and announce the latest products when they are released...
Thanks for reading
The (New Look) Map-Logic Team