Save 25% on Postcode Lookup Data

New Product Offer - Save £50
Find the Constituency and MP Name for any UK PostcodeDue to increasing demand, we have just replaced the hugely popular Postcode to Parliamentary Constituency Lookup database with an improved version which now includes the name of the MP who holds the seat and the party they represent.
As a result, you can now search for any UK Postcode and immediately determine the constituency it falls within along with the MP and party holding the seat. This is a major enhancement which we know will be of great value to any organisation that needs to relate Postcodes or addresses to political geography.
The cost of this new database is £175 plus VAT for use on a single PC but we are offering a £50 discount on all orders placed before 30th November. To apply your discount simply visit the product page and enter the discount code MPNOFFER when checking out and apply the saving. A link to download the new database will be emailed to you immediately once your order has been received.
Please note: This offer expires on 30th November 2011
Best Wishes