Our Postcode boundary data is a digital representation of the Postcode Areas (AB), Districts (AB1) and Sectors (AB1 1) of the United Kingdom for use in GIS and mapping software. The boundaries are the perfect choice if you need to display or analyse Postcode related information in your own Geographic Information System (GIS), mapping software or in an online web application using Google Maps, CartoDB, OpenStreetMaps or any of the other emerging online mapping technologies. Perfect boundaries for thematic mapping and the creation of sales territories or franchise areas in your chosen software.
Boundary Accuracy
Our boundaries are created using the latest official government Postcode and location information to create two sets of Postcode boundaries - High and Low accuracy. Our Low Accuracy boundaries are the result of automated routines to generate boundaries around Postcode locations. These form a good approximation of Postcodes areas across the UK but they do not follow geographic features such as roads, rivers and railways.
We then undertake manual correction of the boundaries to ensure that they do follow roads, rivers and railways and produce our High Accuracy - street level - set of boundaries. You can compare the accuracy of these boundaries in the images above: the first image is our High Accuracy boundary product which follows road features. The second image shows the Low Accuracy product - before the manual correction - and appears more random and does not follow the roads.
Which Product Is Right For You?
You have the option of taking either version of the product according to your planned use and available budget. The following simple guide may help with your decision:
Low Accuracy Postcode Boundaries are lower cost but the least accurate. Fine for national or regional thematic mapping or defining large sales territories or franchise areas.
High Accuracy Postcode Boundaries are more expensive but the most accurate. The only choice for detailed, street level mapping such as small franchise areas, estate agencies, insurance analysis and door drop marketing.
Formats & Projections
Our most popular projections are MapInfo Interchange format (MIF/ MID), ESRI SHAPE format and KML format (for Google Maps etc) but we can provide almost any other format upon request. Most formats are available in either British National Grid projection (OSGB) or WGS84 Latitude Longitude. KML format is only available in WGS84 projection. When you place your order we will be in touch to confirm your preferences before we send you a link to download your data.
Data Licence
All boundary data is provided on an annual licence basis and your use of the Postcode Boundary Data is subject to our licence and terms and conditions which can be read here >
Download a sample of the Low Accuracy boundaries in a variety of formats by clicking the button below.