The Severn Estuary Postcode map is a large high quality GIF, Locked PDF or Editable GeoPDF map image. Postcode Sectors are all but the last 2 characters of the Postcode. Using the Postcode of AB1 2LJ as an example, the Postcode Sector is 'AB1 2'.
About This Severn Estuary Postcode Map
Up to date Postcode Sector boundaries.
- Accurate Ordnance Survey mapping.
- The GIF and Locked PDF versions of the Postcode Map are high resolution images, suitable for viewing on screen and digital devices or for use within GIS Systems. The GIF image is approximately 13,800 x 9,700 pixels and the PDF is A0 in size.
- The Editable GeoPDF is a High resolution PDF suitable for DTP, viewing on digital devices, printing, for use within GIS systems.
Fast Delivery. You will be sent a link to download your map image within 1 working day of your order.
Editable GeoPDF Map Format
The Editable GeoPDF format has embedded Latitude / Longitude co-ordinates and requires Adobe Reader version 9 or above.
- Control the main map and Postcode Sector layers visibility individually.
- Edit in Adobe Illustrator to apply colours to Postcode Sectors for territory or franchise area demarcation.
As these maps are digital image files and subject to various copyrights, you must license the image according to your intended use. The licence options are as follows:
1, 5, 10 or 20 PC licence. For internal business or personal use, select the licence for the number of PC's you need to use the map image on.
Corporate Licence. For unlimited internal use within a single business entity.
Annual Website Licence: Annual fee required for use on any single publicly accessible web site.
For publishing or resale licenses, please contact us to discuss your requirements.