Match Postcodes To Local Authority Wards, Districts & Unitary Authorities
The Postcode to Local Authority lookup database contains every Postcode in the UK (including retired Postcodes no longer in use) and the Local Authority Ward, District or Unitary Authority each Postcode falls within.
Perfect For Local Authority Applications
The data allows any UK address record to be matched to it's corresponding Local Authority Ward, District or Unitary Authority or to produce lists of Postcode for specific administrative areas.
The database is available in a variety of formats including CSV text, Excel 2007+ or Access formats and contain the following fields of information:
- Postcode
- Postcode Sector
- Postcode District
- Postcode Area
- Country Code
- Country Name
- Region Code
- Region Name
- County Code
- County Name
- District Code
- District Name
- Ward Code
- Ward Name
Download the Full Product Specification for additional information >

Postcode Local Authority Data Formats
This data product is available in a variety of formats to allow you to get started immediately in your chosen software. The formats available are as follows:
CSV Text files (3 separate text files: Postcode Areas AB-LN; Postcode Areas LS-ZE; Retired Postcodes)
Excel Spread Sheet (a single spread sheet with 3 worksheets: Postcode Areas AB-LN; Postcode Areas LS-ZE; Retired Postcodes)
Access .accdb Format (a single database containing 2 tables: Valid Postcodes; Retired Postcodes)
Download a sample of the Postcode Local Authority data in CSV text format >

Licensing & Updates
This Postcode Local Authority lookup data file is licensed on an annual basis for the appropriate fee specified above according to whether you wish to use the data:
- On a Single PC
- For use on a public facing website with an Internet Licence
- Unlimited use within your organisation and on your public facing website with a Company Licence
The licence fee must be paid each year to continue using the data and includes updates every 3 months to the data to accommodate new and retired Postcodes in addition to any changes to local authority geography.
Additional Information
Delivery of the data in your chosen format will be within 24 hours from receipt of your order (excluding weekends).
Of course, if you have any questions which aren't covered by the information on our website, please Contact Us and we'll be happy to answer any questions on Postcodes and Local Authority Ward information.