The Average House Price data is produced from individual house price records of all residential property sales in England and Wales lodged with Land Registry for registration.
All house price information is for the latest quarter of the year and covers England & Wales only.
Note that a property can be sold more than once in the time period searched and therefore can be included in the data more than once.
A Postcode Sector or District will be omitted from table if there were no property sales information for that area in that time period.
House Price Counts Overview
- 10 individual house price variables at Postcode level including:
Postcode Sector/ District - Postcode Sector or District Name
Detached Average - Price of Sold Detached Houses
Det Sales - Number of Detached Houses Sold
Semi Average - Price of Sold Semi-Detached Houses
Semi Sales - Number of Semi-Detached Houses Sold
Terraced Average - Price of Sold Terraced Houses
Terr Sales - Number of Terraced Houses Sold
Flat Average - Price of Sold Flats & Maisonettes
Flat Sales - Number of Flats & Maisonettes Sold
Overall Average - Average Price of All Sold Houses & Flats
Total Sales - Total Number of Houses & Flats Sold
- Available at two geographic levels including:
- Over 7,900 Postcode Sectors averaging 2,990 households per Postcode Sector (Download Sample)
- Over 2,200 Postcode Districts averaging 9,910 households per Postcode District (Download Sample)
- England & Wales coverage only
- Supplied in Excel (*.xlsx format)
- Available with latest boundary files for Geographic Information System (GIS) applications for an additional licence fee.
Data Accuracy
The data published has been collected from a variety of sources as part of the land registration process. We have developed internal quality processes to help us ensure our data correctly reflects the information provided to us.
We use reasonable skill and care in the provision of the data, but we cannot guarantee our data is fit for your intended purpose or use.
Data License
Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale when checking out but key points of use of the data are as follows:
- Upon completing your purchase you will be given a link to allow you to download your data immediately
- The license is for unlimited use of the data within a single legal entity (one company) or personal use for one individual.
- The licence fees is an annual recurring fee and in the case of Postcode based products, includes all updates to the data that are released within the year (up to 4).
- You may cancel the licence at any time at which point no further updates will be provided.
- All data is © Crown copyright 2016
House Price Data at Postcode Level is Perfect For:
- Analysing house price trends at a Postcode level.
- Using house prices to define market potential based on property value.
- Identifying areas based on the numbers of property transactions (numbers of new home owners).
- Targeting advertising and marketing activity to appropriate audiences.