Census data counts for the BT (Belfast) Postcode Area tell you how many - and what types of - residents and households are in each Postcode Sector of the Area. Use with our Postcode maps to assist with a wide range of business planning and sales and marketing tasks.
Read our full article on how the Census is collected and how you can use the counts to improve your planning and business performance >
About These Census Counts
- 183 individual census variables across 16 themes including:
- Age Structure
- Car or van availability
- Communal establishment residents
- Dwellings, household spaces and accommodation type
- Economic activity
- Ethnic group
- Health and provision of unpaid care
- Household composition
- Industry
- Lone parent households with dependent children
- Marital and civil partnership status
- NS-SeC
- Occupation
- Qualifications and students
- Tenure
- Usual resident population
- Download a full field list here >
- Provided at Postcode Sector level for your selected Postcode Areas averaging 2,990 households per Postcode Sector (Download Sample)
- Supplied in Excel (*.xlsx) format
Licensing This Census Data
Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale when checking out but key points of use of the data are as follows:
- Upon completing your purchase you will be given a link to allow you to download your data immediately
- The license is for unlimited use of the data within a single legal entity (one company) or personal use for one individual.
- The licence fees is an annual recurring fee and in the case of Postcode based products, includes all updates to the data that are released within the year (up to 4).
- You may cancel the licence at any time at which point all data must be removed/ deleted from your systems.
How You Can Use Census Counts
- Locating your ideal customers/ audience.
- Calculating the size of your potential market and, as a result, your sales potential.
- Targeting advertising and marketing activity to appropriate audiences.
- Estimating leaflet volumes for Door to Door campaigns.
- Assessing retail catchment area potential
- Balancing sales territories by sales potential and establishing appropriate sales targets.
- Sizing balanced and equitable franchise areas